🔵 The aim of the project V4 Culture for Climate – Social Scene of the 18th Edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review is to create an open space for an artistic and scientific debate on the links between culture and climate change in the Visegrad countries. We have invited climate change specialists, artists, curators, journalists and culture managers from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to a series of nine meetings and debates. For four weeks, we will be engaged in intensive reflection on the meaning of culture and art on the brink of a climate disaster.
“Nestrácajme čas! / No Time to Lose!” (live stream on FB) meeting with Oto Hudec a multimedia artist (SK) who uses art to show the impact of ecological threats and brings them closer to audiences in galleries – in conversation with Petra Houskova (SK)
23.09.2020 (Wednesday)
“The Curse of Plenty” by Ewa Ewart, film screening (Kino Nowe Horyzonty)
29.09.2020 (Tuesday)
“No Place for Culture in Climate Change?” (live stream on FB) meeting with Jozef Pecho a climatologist from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute – in conversation with Vojtěch Pecka (SK).
30.09.2020 (Wednesday)
“Turin Horse” by Bell Tarr, film screening (Kino Nowe Horyzonty) with introduction by Zsolt Gyenge (HU)
12.10.2020 (Monday) / 16:00
“Wasteland; Catastrophic Plots in Eliot’s Poetry” (live stream on FB) on the disturbingly contemporary overtone of catastrophism in the poetry of T.S. Eliot: Dariusz Czaja, Joanna Helander and Magda Heydel, moderator: Piotr Jakub Fereński (in cooperation with the Silesius International Poetry Festival) live in Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery
12.10.2020 (Monday) / 18:00
Social Responsibility of Art and Culture” (Event—Public, live stream on FB) meeting revolving around professor Leszek Koczanowicz’s most recent book “Lęk i olśnienie. Eseje o kulturze niepokoju” [“Fear and Enlightenment. Essays on the Culture of Anxiety”] in conversation with Michał Nogaś, live in Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery
13.10.2020 (Tuesday)
“Introduction to Comparative Planetology” (live stream on FB) lecture of Lukáš Likavčan in conversation with Matej Metelec (CZ)
20.10.2020 (Tuesday)
“New Hope or ?” (Event—Public, live stream on FB, translation ENG-PL) moderator Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz live in Wrocław, Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery
22.10.2020 (Thursday)
“Culture of Climate Change?” (live stream on FB, translation ENG-PL) debate of culture practitioners and specialists, representatives of NGOs participating in the project: Zsófia Huszár (Pro Progressione), Petra Housková (Šopa Gallery), Franz Tišek (Kulturní centrum Řehlovice), Karolina Bieniek (Art Transparent), moderator: Agata Skrzypczyk (Halo.Radio)
The project V4 Culture for Climate – Social Scene of the 18th Edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review is co-financed by the governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Projekt “V4 Culture for Climate – social scene of the 18th edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review” jest współfinansowany przez rządy Czech, Węgier, Polski i Słowacji w ramach Grantów Wyszehradzkich Międzynarodowego Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego. Misją funduszu jest promowanie pomysłów na zrównoważoną współpracę regionalną w Europie Środkowej.
The project “ V4 Culture for Climate – social scene of the 18th edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review” is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustain able regional cooperation in Central Europe.
The DECONFINING project aims to create improved and fairer cultural ties between Europe and Africa by developing a sustainable reference model of cooperation that will later be extended to other regions of the world.
Exhibition from the series “15% Abstraction”
Janina Żemojtel and Karolina Freino
at the Mieszkanie Geppertów Gallery
November 15 – December 13, 2024
Free admission
15.11.2024 — 13.11.2024
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