The SURVIVAL Art Reviewis a nomadic event, which each year takes place in a different location in Wrocław. It consists of the main exhibition and accompanying events, the so-called public programme – a series of debates, meetings and workshops. Each year, the event attracts 5,000-8,000 visitors.
The motto of the 2020 edition was Wasteland, which referred to T.S. Eliot’s poem The Waste Land (1922). When deciding on the motto, we wanted to encourage artists to creatively address and discuss issues such as ecology, wastefulness or the lack of systemic solutions in the face of the upcoming climate disaster.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Programme was moved online. Co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and entitled Wasteland: Culture for Climate / Kultur für das Klima, it consisted of three debatesthat brought together people involved in broadly understood art, culture and education from Poland and Germany. The discussants exchanged experiences and views on climate change and shared inspiring examples of action. Intended to provoke critical thinking among the Review audience and online participants, the debates with experts, activists and practitioners from Poland and Germany challenged the status quo and questioned some of the popular opinions about social, political and economic issues connected with climate change.
This brochure records the thoughts of the panellists who participated in the debates —>
Streaming of the Public Programme Marcin Jędrzejczak | Wrofoto
Project partner: Berlinerpool
Honorary patronage: Konsul Generalny Republiki Federalnej Niemiec / Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany – Hans Jörg Neumann
Media patronage of the Public Programme: Halo Radio
Strategic partner: MPWIK S.A.
This project was co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany and by the Municipality of Wrocław.
The DECONFINING project aims to create improved and fairer cultural ties between Europe and Africa by developing a sustainable reference model of cooperation that will later be extended to other regions of the world.
Exhibition from the series “15% Abstraction”
Janina Żemojtel and Karolina Freino
at the Mieszkanie Geppertów Gallery
November 15 – December 13, 2024
Free admission
15.11.2024 — 13.11.2024
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