With pleasure, we would like to inform you that the following candidates have been selected to participate in the project “Democratising art commissioning by involving local communities” (DemArt) as art commissioners:

Arleta Gosławska – photographer, intermedial artist. Lives and creates in Wrocław. She is a member of MIGAWKA group in Przedmieście Oławskie. Arleta graduated from the University of Fine Arts in Poznań, specializing in Intermedia Photography. Her art is rooted in everyday life, characterized by conceptualism and minimalism, it delves into themes related to humanity, nature and the essence of existence. Arleta’s creations often take physical, tangible form such as books, objects or installations. Observing and meditating on the mundane and everyday life serve as the primary inspiration for her projects. As a result, her art pays tribute to the significance of the seemingly trivial aspects of life.
Malgorzata (Gosza) Tutko – vocalist, song-writer, music teacher, doula. On a daily basis, she conducts music classes for infants and toddlers according to Professor E.E. Gordon’s method, leads ensembles and vocal workshops for adults, prepares women for childbirth during the “Creative Birth” classes, works with women as a doula and sings at various concerts and artistic events. Privately, she is a mother of two sons and a wife.

Hubert Sulima – was born in Bielawa, Poland in 1989 into a working-class family. Sulima works in the fields of theater, performance, dramaturgy and writing. In 2017, he graduated from the National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow. He co-created a number of performances, which were praised for their search for new theatrical qualities, languages and topics, as well as for their “extraordinary sensitivity towards characters, actors and viewers”. In 2020 and 2021 he was nominated (together with director Jędrzej Piaskowski) for one of the most important Polish art awards “Paszport Polityki”. In 2020 Sulima was awarded the scholarship by Nowy Teatr in Warsaw “for outstandingly talented young artists”.
Since 2022 he is a lecturer at the National Academy of Theatre Arts in Wroclaw, where he lives.