CATALOGUE: SURVIVAL 7 Young Art in Extreme Conditions Review


SURVIVAL 7 Young Art in Extreme Conditions Review, 72 pages, publisher: ART TRANSPARENT Contemporary Art Foundation.

The catalogue summarises the 7th edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review, which took place in June 2009 in the Four Domes Pavilion of the Wrocław Feature Films Studio (Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych, WFF). The issue contains photo documentation of the Review and articles in Polish and English by curators of the 7th edition of SURVIVAL. The publication can be purchased by making a donation for the statutory activities of the ART TRANSPARENT Foundation. Please transfer the amount of 40 PLN to the Foundation’s bank account: BOŚ 05 1540 1030 2103 7700 6268 0001, with the note: “donation for statutory purposes”, and send your postal address with the note “catalogue SURVIVAL 7” to our e-mail address:

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