Foundation for Contemporary Art – Art Transparent from Wroclaw, Poland is planning European Learning Partnership project dealing with fields of visual contemporary art and art in public spaces and forms of adult education in this sphere, popularising contemporary art (esp. visual arts) and preparing audience for its reception.
For the project we are looking for partners (3-6) from EU and Croatia – organisations, institutions active in the field of contemporary art and providing also educational programs (events, talks, lecturs, workshops) for their target group. We are interested in cooperation with different partners, dealing also with diverse audience (city, village, adults, seniors ect.) and using different methods.
The aim of the project is to learn from each other exchange the best practises in Europe.
Topics of activity:
– Contemporary visual art
– Art in public spaces
– Transformation of public space in different European countries
– Life long learning
– Buiding partnership between organisations providing cultural education
– Exploring the landscapes of institutions dealing contemporary art in Europe
Forms of activity
Learning partnership consists of certain number of visits (mobilities) of staff and learners of applying organisations to other countries and study visits connected with getting to know local environment of the hosting organisations, exchanging experience and contacts. Every partner will be responsible for hosting one visit. The project lasts 2 years. Apart from visits for a successful project partners should involve local actions connected with the partnership.
Learning partnerships are being financed by the Grundtrvig Programme Every country has a National Agency(link) where you can find more information under Partnership Projects. Projects are financed by flat rate and depends on number of mobilities (7000-24000 eu), is easy to administer. Deadline for applying it 21.2.2012. All organisations apply with the same – master application, that is being submitted to the national Agency out with attachments. There is no leading organisatin, all partner have the same rights and duties.
Who are we looking for? Organisations, institutions and places dealing with contemporary visual art and art in public space from EU countries and Croatia, who are offering also different types of educational offer for adult learners (non-professional education, not within formal education framework); interested in getting to know other institutions in Europe and learning from their experience.
Contact: Paulina Maloy, skype: paulina.poznanska,
Who are we?
ART TRANSPARENT Contemporary Art Foundation was originated in 2005 in Wrocław. People who are involved in its work are specialists in a variety of fields: artists and lecturers associated with the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts, psychologists and specialists in the area of social sciences. The Foundation’s goals regarding contemporary art and social topics are being achieved by means of local and national projects as well as own initiatives and attempts to consolidate the artistic and intellectual environment around current social and art problems.
Since 2005 ART TRANSPARENT organizes the SURVIVAL Art Review /, and since 2007 runs the Contemporary Art Gallery in the former studio of professor Eugeniusz Geppert ‘Mieszkanie Gepperta’ (Geppert;s Apartment) / Besides, the Foundation is engaged in publishing and educational activities, in particular those connected with the issues of social exclusion, otherness and anti-discrimination.