9/09/ 2010,19:00 – vernissage, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery, ul. Ofiar Oświęcimskich 1/2, Wrocław.
The exibition is open 10.09 – 8.10.2010 from Wednesday to Friday 16:00 – 19:00.
Aldona’s portrait by Darek Jakubowski
video installation:
documentary (16 min.)
portrait by Darek Jakubowic colourful stripes (PVC kitchen curtain)
The camera leads the viewer through the door made from colourful stripes into the private world of Aldona Wiśniewska. From the medical point of view she is a woman in 76 per cent. She is waiting for the sex-change operation, but she is actively creating herself every day. The film shows everyday changes, rituals of femininity which are performed by Aldona. The presented work is a documentary about a simple life full of love and a colourful portrait of a tragic personality who has to struggle with her own fate in a provincial environment.
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