The ART TRANSPARENT Foundation and ODRA FILM would like to invite to the first screening of the film: ”DOWNTOWN – The Town of The Downs”
”DOWNTOWN” is a film telling about a photo project by Oiko Petersen “DOWNTOWN Collection”. The artist, making use of the style typical of commercial, photographed several people with the Down syndrome. The models photographed, dressed in the clothes designed especially for them by leading Polish fashion designers, become characters from their dreams: Spring Fairy, Hip-hop Star, Car Driver, Opera Diva, Housewife, Painter and others.
The exhibition „DOWNTOWN Collection” was to be seen in the Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery in October 2009.
Piotr Śliwowski
Reporter, documentary film maker. DOWNTOWN is his film debut. He worked earlier on documentaries and tv documentary movies about culture; cooperates with TVP Kultura as a reporter and live shows maker. He participated in a film art project of Artur Żmijewski “Powtórzenie” (“Repetition”); founder of emotikonfilm – a film production company specializing in various film and tv programmes. Currently he is working on a script for a documentary film “Zgoda” (“Reconciliation”) about a silent fragment of the Polish post-war history.Marta Dzido
Writer and director; author of two novels: „Małż” („Mussel”) and „Ślad po mnie” („A Trace after Me”). Graduated from PWSFTviT (The Polish National Film, Television and Theater School) in Łódź; professionally works on execution and production of various film and tv forms. She is the author of photos to the film “Podziemne państwo kobiet” (“Underground Women’s State”) – the first Polish documentary film that shows the truth about the Polish abortion underground. Currently she is working on the script to a feature film “Poza zasięgiem” (“Beyong reach”) – based on her own prose writings.The authors about “DOWNTOWN – The Town of The Downs”
It is a film telling about a photo project by Oiko Petersen “DOWNTOWN Collection”. The artist, making use of the style typical of commercial, photographed several people with the Down syndrome. The models photographed, dressed in the clothes designed especially for them by leading Polish fashion designers, become characters from their dreams: Spring Fairy, Hip-hop Star, Car Driver, Opera Diva, Housewife, Painter and others.
For half a year we followed the characters of the project with camera, we filmed the first meeting of Oiko Petersen with the models, their parents and guardians, we observed how their mutual relationships were being shaped, how they got to know each other and gained trust. Oiko was looking for the answer to a question: what is the reality of the people with the Down syndrome like? What is their sensibility, tempers, interests and dreams? What are they like? The world of the people with the Down syndrome turned out to be surprising both to Oiko Petersen and to us. Their bottomless honesty, naive attitude and simplicity of thinking are here a real value; (…). The trip to Downtown – allowed us to leave for a while our everyday reality and think what is really important for us. The divide: we-they ceased to exist. As our method of documentary work we choose the rule of a ‘patient eye’, we tried to make our characters familiar with the camera, so that our presence became unnoticeable for them. (…) We didn’t use any additional lighting. On purpose we resigned from the typical tools which add an esthetic value to a film, and all that to capture “the moment of truth”. Piotr Śliwowski, Marta Dzido The first screening of the film will take place on 24th September (Friday) at 20:00 in the “Warszawa” cinema, NOT room (ul. J. Piłsudskiego 74, Wrocław)
Free entrance! The screening organized by the ART TRANSPARENT Foundation ( and ODRA FILM (
DOWNTOWN – Miasto Downów/The Town of the Downs
screenplay and direction: Piotr Śliwowski, Marta Dzido
photos: Piotr Śliwowski, Marta Dzido, Michał Wiśniowski
editing: Marta Dzido
colour correction: Krzysztof Wykrota
sound post-production, music: Grzegorz Martecki
production: emotikonfilm, 2010 Warsaw
duration [min]: 50
The authors of the film:
Piotr Śliwowski
Reporter, documentary film maker. DOWNTOWN is his film debut. He worked earlier on documentaries and tv documentary movies about culture; cooperates with TVP Kultura as a reporter and live shows maker. He participated in a film art project of Artur Żmijewski “Powtórzenie” (“Repetition”); founder of emotikonfilm – a film production company specializing in various film and tv programmes. Currently he is working on a script for a documentary film “Zgoda” (“Reconciliation”) about a silent fragment of the Polish post-war history.
Marta Dzido
Writer and director; author of two novels: „Małż” („Mussel”) and „Ślad po mnie” („A Trace after Me”). Graduated from PWSFTviT (The Polish National Film, Television and Theater School) in Łódź; professionally works on execution and production of various film and tv forms. She is the author of photos to the film “Podziemne państwo kobiet” (“Underground Women’s State”) – the first Polish documentary film that shows the truth about the Polish abortion underground. Currently she is working on the script to a feature film “Poza zasięgiem” (“Beyong reach”) – based on her own prose writings.
The authors about “DOWNTOWN – The Town of The Downs”
It is a film telling about a photo project by Oiko Petersen “DOWNTOWN Collection”. The artist, making use of the style typical of commercial, photographed several people with the Down syndrome. The models photographed, dressed in the clothes designed especially for them by leading Polish fashion designers, become characters from their dreams: Spring Fairy, Hip-hop Star, Car Driver, Opera Diva, Housewife, Painter and others.
For half a year we followed the characters of the project with camera, we filmed the first meeting of Oiko Petersen with the models, their parents and guardians, we observed how their mutual relationships were being shaped, how they got to know each other and gained trust. Oiko was looking for the answer to a question: what is the reality of the people with the Down syndrome like? What is their sensibility, tempers, interests and dreams? What are they like?
The world of the people with the Down syndrome turned out to be surprising both to Oiko Petersen and to us. Their bottomless honesty, naive attitude and simplicity of thinking are here a real value; (…). The trip to Downtown – allowed us to leave for a while our everyday reality and think what is really important for us. The divide: we-they ceased to exist.
As our method of documentary work we choose the rule of a ‘patient eye’, we tried to make our characters familiar with the camera, so that our presence became unnoticeable for them. (…) We didn’t use any additional lighting. On purpose we resigned from the typical tools which add an esthetic value to a film, and all that to capture “the moment of truth”. Piotr Śliwowski, Marta Dzido
The first screening of the film will take place on 24th September (Friday) at 20:00 in the “Warszawa” cinema, NOT room (ul. J. Piłsudskiego 74, Wrocław)
Free entrance!
The screening organized by the ART TRANSPARENT Foundation ( and ODRA FILM (
DOWNTOWN – Miasto Downów/The Town of the Downs
screenplay and direction: Piotr Śliwowski, Marta Dzido
photos: Piotr Śliwowski, Marta Dzido, Michał Wiśniowski
editing: Marta Dzido
colour correction: Krzysztof Wykrota
sound post-production, music: Grzegorz Martecki
production: emotikonfilm, 2010 Warsaw
duration [min]: 50
”DOWNTOWN” is a film telling about a photo project by Oiko Petersen “DOWNTOWN Collection”. The artist, making use of the style typical of commercial, photographed several people with the Down syndrome. The models photographed, dressed in the clothes designed especially for them by leading Polish fashion designers, become characters from their dreams: Spring Fairy, Hip-hop Star, Car Driver, Opera Diva, Housewife, Painter and others.