3/09/2010,18:00: lecture by Barek Lis „Other, not alien”, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
9/09/2010,19:00: vernissage – Piotr Wysocki „Aldona”, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
Exhibition open 9/09 – 8/10/2010 from Wednesday to Friday,16:00 – 19:00
10/09/2010, 18:00: lecture by dr Anna Wiatr „Disability does not exist”, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
1/10/2010, 18:00: open film screening „Blue Eyed” and following discussion (introduction and moderation: Agata Makowska), Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
7/10/2010, 18:00: meeting with Anna Grodzka, head of the Foundation ”Transfuzja”, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
8/10/2010, 18:00: lecture by Grzegorz Stępniak „Get out of History”, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
9 – 11/10/2010: „Erased Histories – Drama workshop” Grzegorz Stępniak in the Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
3-day workshops for those who recognize in themselves some kind of Otherness, and who understand it as a difficulty and at the same time something that makes them special and that needs to be given some form of expression. To participate sign up till 28/09/2010: zblizanie@gmail.com and take part in an interview.
12/10/2010, 18:00: „My History”– presentations by performers -–results of the drama workshops, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery To participate sing up: zblizanie@gmail.com.
14/10/2010, 18:00: film screening „DOWNTOWN ”, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery
15 and 16/10/2010, 10:00 – 18:00: anti-discrimination workshops for adults. To participate sing up until 8/10/2010: zblizanie@gmail.com.
Free entrance to all events within the project. To participate in workshops and closed meetings you need to sing up at: zblizanie@gmail.com.