Kodras, which are rectangular cut-outs from colourful papers, used to be hung in rooms of villages in the Łowicz region – on beams, under the ceiling, on the walls between windows, or above the door. The decorations were typically made by women. Kodras showed scenes from everyday life in the village or from special occasions (working on the farm, weddings, christenings, etc.).
Kasia Kmita’s most recent project is a story about fulfilment and self-actualisation. It addresses the subject of the professional life of contemporary women who combine passion and career on an everyday basis by setting up their businesses, creating their own brands, or simply finding fulfilment in their jobs.
The cycle of works made in the traditional technique of folk cut-out shows special places created by women and a number of rituals connected with them. In this way, a portrait of the contemporary businesswoman emerges against the backdrop of everyday life in the city and its relatively new traditions, which have nevertheless become rooted in our culture.
After the exhibition at Mieszkanie Gepperta, the works in the series Who would you be if you could be anyone you wanted will be shown as a travelling exhibition. Each work will be sent to the place which provided the artist with inspiration, such as Jaga Hupała’s studio in Warsaw, Marta Gessler’s Workshop of Scents in Warsaw, or the Breathe In – Breathe Out wellness studio in Wrocław.
curator: Anna Stec
exhibition: 16.12.2016-20.01.2017
Kasia Kmita lives and works in Wrocław. She graduated from the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts. Studied painting and got her degree in 1996. She was awarded the Prize of Minister of Art and Culture Promotions’96, the prestige Prize of theWrocław Academy of Fine Arts in the Eugeniusz Geppert Contest and the “ELLE” Trophies Prize.
In her practice, Kasia Kmita uses meticulously prepared cut-outs. Her colourful compositions present the artist’s outlook on the contemporary culture, trends and lifestyles. She carefully watches the changes occurring in the society, analyses human desires and the mechanisms governing our behaviour and psyche.
Mieszkanie Gepperta
Ofiar Oświęcimskich 1/2, Wrocław
the gallery is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 4 to 7 PM
the exhibition is shown in the series Wrocław: The Best Of
Warsztat Woni florist workchopATM Group
Kasia Kmita
20.01.2017 (Friday) 5 PM
We invite you to an artist talk with Kasia Kmita on the occasion of the exhibition “Who would you be if you could be anybody you wanted” at Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery.
21.01.2017 (Saturday), 12 AM
We kindly invite children at all ages with their parents to attend cut-outs workshops during which we will learn the traditional paper craft.