ARTIFAKE (Art Invades Fakes) is a transnational project, which aims to promote media literacy and critical thinking in Ukraine, Poland and Armenia by exploring propaganda through transnational street art.
Post-truth, fake news, disinformation and media manipulation are just some of the terms used to describe what is essentially propaganda – information, especially biased or misleading, used to pursue political goals or promote a specific point of view. Thanks to digital technology, propaganda and disinformation have gone global, but its influence is most destructive in fragile contexts – conflict and post-conflict states.

The jury composed of: Michał Bieniek and Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz chose:
Alicja Patanowska & Marcin Sawiński
Liliana Zeic
Paweł Kulczyński
We would like to thank all the artists who took part in the first part of the project.