The Art Transparent Foundation is looking for partners from Visegrad countries Czech Republic /Slovakia/Hungary, for the project „Inflammation? Central European urban movements. Let’s get to know each other!”

Modern life has shifted its focus to the cities. They are the arena and the laboratory for social gentrification processes, democratic (or nondemocratic) procedures, participation, citizenship development, negotiations and other new trends. New identities, new ways to accentuate one’s political rights, ecological reflection, new culture. There are so many ideas and concepts, that even though we live in an increasingly globalised world, it is impossible to use one, universal code translating and explaining all those occurrences, regardless of longitude and latitude. We live side by side in big cities and metropolises, more or less active, but with a clear need to introduce changes in the space surrounding us.

Objectives of the project

Let’s meet to talk about our experiences, difficulties and successes in organizing our polis / cities. In the course of the workshop, under the guidance of experts and trainers, we will ask questions and look for the answers. We will debate, discuss, trace patterns and/or find out the nationally conditioned differences. In the end, we may begin to interact and work together, beyond our particular cities and countries.

We would like to invite our partners for a week-long visit to Wrocław (June 2014), to talk about urban movements. The idea for our project is based on a series closed, internal workshops, meetings with local NGOs and urban activists, and a part open to the public, where, during a lecture/discussion/presentation, the contexts of urban movements of the visiting countries are being introduced to the interested residents.

The visit in Wrocław will take plac during the twelth edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review: (,33) and will be accompanied by a detailed program, arranged and organised by the host organisation, in consultation with other Partners, in line with the general schedule/description established before the project takes off.

The topics of the visit: urban movements & art ecological urban movements, urban movements – or step towards anarchy?urban movements – who are the outraged/excluded?. Topics may be broadened, Partners are welcome to suggest their own ideas too.

ART TRANSPARENT Foundation – the main organiser of the project – offers:

– cooperation to implement an interesting international project

– participation in a regional debate on urban movements

– exchange of experience and contacts (networking) useful in future international projects

– completion of the application & application to the International Visegrad Fund

– administering the grant

Requirements for the Partners (Visegrad countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary) ready to cooperate:

– interest in urban movements, urban activism and experience in one of the fields: art, ecology, social issues, politics

– involvment in an international project and cooperation with 2-3 foreign Partners

– organisational skills and material resources to carry out one visit in their country

– thorough knowledge of their local environment, in order to be able to indicate adequate participants to each visit with accordance to its particular theme

– proposal for a specific topic, within the field of urban movements, on which they would like to arrange the visit in their country (brief description up to 200 words)

Submissions containing the following information should be sent to the address: no later than 20 February 2014:

– name of the organisation

– address

– year of establishment

– field of work/interest (short description up to 200 words)

– why you want to be involved in this project? (up to 200 words)

– proposal/s for the topics of the visit you are to host in your country